4 Most Useful Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Household Items
April 16, 2024
Imagine that you have spent a couple of hours on a cleaning task and then came to know that you could have done it in 10 minutes. You feel outrageous. In my experience, spending 5 minutes on the internet search before a specific cleaning, or any other household task for that matter, can save you hours – and sometimes your precious assets from ruining. There is a long list, but I find the following cleaning tips and tricks most useful.

- Sanitizing Sponges
I know that many people don’t mind how many germs their sponges have accumulated. But for those who do, there is an easy way to sanitize your sponges. Put it in your microwave on medium heat for two minutes and you will get rid of all the germs.
- Clean Fan Blades
For me, there was a time when cleaning fan blades meant making the whole room dirty. Not anymore, though. Take an old pillow case, wrap it around the fan blade, and collect all the dirt in it. You can clean your fan blades without spilling a particle of dirt.
- Removing Labels
I have seen many people serving in crockery with the labels on. However, if you are like me, you cannot even imagine this. But removing labels is always difficult and tiring. Add a scoop of Oxiclean to warm water and soak the items with labels. After 30 minutes, you can easily remove all the labels.
- Cleaning Your Iron
Even with utmost care, irons tend to accumulate debris on their plates. If you use hard tools to clean it, you usually end up doing more harm than good. To clean it safely, spread salt on a board, heat the iron to the maximum, and iron over the salt. The salt will remove all the debris from the iron plate.

Linda Lucero is a travel blogger from the US. She loves to meet new people and explore new cultures, as well as try delicious foods. Linda’s blog is full of her adventures around the world! In her spare time, she likes reading books about other cultures and how they might be different from what she knows in the United States.